Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Deacon Dorothy Brightman Receives St. Stephen Award

The Rev. Dorothy (Ricky) Brightman was awarded the Saint Stephen Award for her service as a deacon, at Williamsburg, VA., in June, 2013.  The St. Stephen Award is a national recognition by the Association for Episcopal Deacons and is given to a person(s) who has exemplified a ministry in a diaconal sense of service.  It is an award for those who have, by living lives that preach the Gospel, ministered as deacons, supported the diaconal community, or, in other ways, have contributed extraordinarily to the awareness of the ministry of deacons.
When asked to characterize Ricky’s ministry, The Ven. Jan Grinnell, Archdeacon of the Diocese of RI said, “Shortly following her ordination in 2006 Ricky Brightman was assigned to St Luke’s, East Greenwich a strong midsize suburban parish. Her commitment to aiding the poor and those in the inner city were soon evident. She carried a can of soup in procession rather than the Gospel book. She invited, cajoled and nudged folks to join her at soup kitchens in Central Falls, the George Hunt HELP Center in Providence and constantly reminded everyone that God is in needy places and needs our help. Even after she left, at the call of a new Rector most of these activities continued.”

Ricky began her journey of service in the Diocese of Rhode Island under the leadership of The Rev. Dn. Ida Johnson.  As a layperson, Ricky served the needs of the homeless and hungry in the city of Providence at The Cathedral of Saint John, which was the focal point of Deacon Ida's ministry.  Ricky says that she emulated her mentor, and that Deacon Ida said that you will "Spiral from there like flowers in the garden.  Who knows where you will be planted?" 

Ricky started with the Soup Kitchen and began looking for other opportunities where she could serve.  In earlier years she had drifted away from the Episcopal Church because she found no models of female leadership or involvement, except as Sunday School and Choir teachers and directors  As the Director of Community Service at Moses Brown School for ten years,  Ricky had become familiar with the needs of the many poor, hungry, poorly housed, excluded and ignored people living in the Providence area.  The model of direct hands-on service that she found in Deacon Ida and other Deacons was a turning point for Ricky, and was an added bonus that brought her back to the Episcopal Church.

Eventually, in May of 2006, Ricky was ordained a Deacon.  She had found her vocation in her church and as a leader, doing those things for which she had and continues to have, great passion. Ricky has worked at The George Hunt HELP Center in Providence, which has provided a safe haven during the day for those who live on the streets or for people who need help or just an empathetic ear.  Clothing and food were distributed there to those who had needs.  Ricky and her colleagues welcomed and accepted many people and helped them to feel good about themselves.  Sadly, the George Hunt HELP Center closed at the end of August, 2013 for financial reasons, but the homeless are still with us in all areas of our state.  Ministry to this population is important and is now addressed in different ways through programs such as Mobile Loaves and Fishes and Church Beyond the Walls. 

Ricky has been part of the birth of a new ministry in our Diocese that is just emerging.   The Episcopal Service Corps has approved the application from Rhode Island to plant the Jonathan Daniels House which will be up and running in the South End of Providence by September, 2014.  This facility will offer a year internship to four individuals who will work in a social service agency, and who will live together from September through June.  As they work in the city, helping those in need, they will form a community at Jonathan Daniels House, where they will live, worship and pray together.  Their work week will be 30 hours in length.  During this time together, they will discern what they will do with their lives.  Ricky has been a part of this ministry from its inception and continues to bring her own brand of no-nonsense reality and faith to its birth.

Ricky currently serves as deacon at Church of the Epiphany in Rumford, alongside presbyters, Jennifer Pedrick and Edmund Harris, another key player in the development of the Jonathan Daniels House. In addition to these ministries, Ricky serves currently with Church Beyond the Walls, which offers Holy Eucharist on Saturdays in Burnside Park in Downtown Providence.  After the Eucharist, a meal is also shared with the congregants. 

Ricky serves as Chair of the Diocesan Mission Task Force and serves on the Hispanic Mission Committee. It seems as if the seeds of Ricky's work will continue to be sewn, even beyond her own work.  That is probably the best thing that can be said about a deacon.

When asked why she recommended Ricky to receive the St. Stephen Award, Archdeacon Grinnell said, “Ricky is a wonderful example of a deacon with a prophetic voice for the poor and the oppressed through her bold actions within and outside whatever parish she is serving.  She empowers the laity to join in her ministry and offers ways to make this sustainable when she moves on.”

The community of Deacons in Rhode Island offers its congratulations to Ricky on her accomplishment and prays that her ministry may continue for a long, long time!

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