Friday, March 7, 2014

Ash Wednesday brings our Archdeacon out for Ashes To Go!

It was a cold and blustery day, but the Rhode Island Archdeacon, The Venerable Janice Grinnell was at the train station at 5:45 AM, along with Rev. David Dobbins, rector of Saint Augustine’s parish in North Kingston and Pastor Mary Hansen-Joyce.  They were there to distribute ashes for the many Rhode Islanders who commute each day, oftentimes leaving their homes as early as 5:00, to get to work in Boston.  There being no time for these Christians to get to church on Ash Wednesday morning or evening because of their commute, this opportunity is given each year for them to receive their Lenten ashes, as a reminder that they “are dust and to dust they shall return,” and to call them to enter into the season of Lent in a mindful and prayerful way.


Here are some pictures of them as they met commuters and then, later in the morning, met students on the campus of the University of Rhode Island.  “We were there from 9-11 and had 71 people receive ashes on campus,” Jan said. She and Rev. Dobbins also held Ash Wednesday service at St. Augustine’s at 7 PM, where the Archdeacon preached the message.


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